The Korea Water Cluster(KWC) has opened in July, 2019 providing integrated services to companies which demanding demonstration facilities and test-bed for their technologies and/or products. In line with those technical support, identification of business opportunities or expansion to global new markets and market analysis information will be provided by KWC. In addition, water convergence R&D issues will be managed and shared with companies.
- Water Convergence R&D centre: R&D planning, assistance to acquire certifications/verifications on companies’ technologies & products
- Water Campus: Human resource development and capacity building in water industry, start-up incubation and acceleration programme
- Global Business centre: consulting services such as establishing marketing strategy and/or business model for global markets, procurement procedures, legal issues, financing etc., global market analysis, international exhbition.

KWC is located in the southern part of Daegu Metropolitan city with the area of 650,000m² surrounded by industrial complex. The demonstration facilities such as water purification & reuse, sewage treatment and examinations for water quality control are installed and constructed in the cluster. Furthermore, the demonstration facilities would be given to the demanding companies or organizations for their own examination at no cost. It called ‘User-customized zone’. The water convergence R&D centre is also providing material test of invented products and its analysis service.
Click here for more information about Korea Water Cluster.