Aquatech Amsterdam was a succesful exhibition for the Global Water Tech Hub Alliance. Together with a number of innovative companies from their own network, the alliance had a booth at the Holland Pavilion.
Innovation Forum
On Monday November 4th, our hub leaders were asked to participate in the Aquatech Innovation Forum. How do digitalisation and smart water compare in the US, Singaporean, South Korean, Scottish, Israeli and Dutch markets? Practical applications of digitalisation were given to the audience by Yossi Yaacoby (Chief of Staff, Mekorot WaTech, Israel), Hein Molenkamp (Managing Director, Water Alliance, The Netherlands), Dean Amhaus (President & CEO, The Water Council, Milwaukee, US), Jinwoo Jeong (Deputy Director, Korea Water Cluster, Korea Environment Corporation) and Han Loong Fong (Senior Assistant Director at PUB, Singapore). The session was moderated by Andrew Walker.
“Looking back on the digital technologies from the past 5-10 years, I am very curious which new and yet unknown developments will bring us solutions to challenges we today experience as problematic. Will we get an internet of water? Will drones open up new logistic solutions? All I know, is that in a world where climate change can no longer be denied and water scarcity is a daily issue, international collaboration is the only way to find solutions to these challenges. Therefore, I truly believe that the cooperation between different nations to mutually solve and address global challenges, will be the strongest trend in water tech.” – Hein Molenkamp from Water Alliance stated in the panel discussion.
Aquatech Amsterdam exhibition days
The GWTHA booth was located in the Holland Pavilion, at #11.406 with the hub partners and their innovative companies from the USA, Israel, Singpore, Korea, China and the Netherlands.
“It was a quite different to other exhibitions we were part of, because of the very organized layout and design around the Holland Pavilion. It was definitely a European practicality in our point of view. In general, the exhibition hall (Hall 11, red.) overwhelmed the guests when entered. Absolutely a good location for the GWTHA booth” – Deputy Manager of the Korea Water Cluster, Jacee Yoon-Jeong Choi says.